
Swaab works with inter­na­tion­al net­work on tech­nol­o­gy acquisition

Swaab has worked with its Mer­i­tas inter­na­tion­al legal net­work to pro­vide advice to Plaut IT Aus­tralia (Plaut) on their acqui­si­tion of Baseliner.

Swaab has worked with its Mer­i­tas inter­na­tion­al legal net­work to pro­vide advice to Plaut IT Aus­tralia (Plaut) on their acqui­si­tion of Base­lin­er, an off­shore ser­vice provider in Malaysia.

Swaab part­nered with Malaysian firm Zain & Co on the trans­ac­tion which has allowed Plaut, one of the largest local­ly-owned providers of spe­cial­i­ty SAP con­sult­ing and tech­ni­cal ser­vices in Aus­tralia, to expand its capa­bil­i­ties and offer a fuller ser­vice to its cus­tomer base. The deal fur­ther adds to Swaab’s capa­bil­i­ty in the IT ser­vices space.

Adding off­shore capa­bil­i­ties to our exist­ing port­fo­lio of exper­tise enables Plaut cus­tomers to lever­age com­pet­i­tive advan­tage from glob­al­ly dis­trib­uted tal­ent pools and allows us to pro­vide remote ser­vices into the South East Asian region for local and glob­al SAP cus­tomers” said Sebas­t­ian Moore, Plaut’s Chief Executive. 

Base­lin­er is an SAP ser­vice part­ner for South East Asia and its pri­ma­ry focus is pro­vid­ing SAP Appli­ca­tion Man­age­ment Sup­port. The com­pa­ny will run inde­pen­dent­ly and be led by its Kuala Lumpur based Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Charles Sig­mon. Tak­ing a con­trol­ling inter­est in Base­lin­er advances Plaut’s stat­ed objec­tives of strength­en­ing its SAP con­sult­ing ser­vices busi­ness in Aus­tralia. The com­ple­men­tary skill set of both com­pa­nies will ensure Plaut deliv­ers cus­tomers a com­pet­i­tive port­fo­lio of SAP ser­vices onshore, nearshore and now off­shore” said David Pri­or, Chairman

The deal was lead by part­ner Alis­tair Jaque with sup­port from Asso­ciate Kel­ly Marshall.

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