Wel­come to our alum­ni and friends of Swaab net­work, where we help you stay con­nect­ed, forg­ing life­long friend­ships no mat­ter where you are in the world.

Friend­ships mat­ter and it’s our aim is to keep you con­nect­ed with your for­mer col­leagues, friends and con­tacts at Swaab. Whilst pro­vid­ing you with access to exclu­sive events and ben­e­fits through­out the year. Our Alum­ni net­work is open to all for­mer part­ners, employ­ees and friends of Swaab.

Net­work mem­bers receive e‑newsletters con­tain­ing Swaab and alum­ni news, cur­rent employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties plus details of up-and-com­ing events.

If you’re on LinkedIn you are invit­ed to join us on our Swaab LinkedIn page. Please make sure that your cur­rent pro­file reflects your past employ­ment at Swaab so we can con­firm your membership.

Please email us at: marketing@​swaab.​com.​au or, com­plete the Get in Touch form on this page below so we can add you to our network. 

Alumni newsletters

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | Octo­ber 2024

We cel­e­brat­ed the appoint­ment of Kathryn Schultz, Doyles Guide Award recip­i­ents Michael Hayter, Angela Har­vey and John Trinh. Angela Sharpe was inter­viewed by Jerome Doraisamy Lawyers

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | June 2024

We cel­e­brat­ed Three New Appoint­ments for Swaab, Five Senior Pro­mo­tions, Con­struc­tion & Stra­ta team | Wines tast­ing, Tour de Cure #Snow­ball, 2024 Career Opportunities

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | April 2024

We cel­e­brat­ed Lawyers who have joined or pro­mot­ed since last newslet­ter, con­grat­u­la­ted Tony D’Agosti­no for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2024, as a Rec­om­mend­ed Leas­ing Lawyer – New

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | June 2023

We cel­e­brat­ed 5 x New Pro­mo­tions Announced, 4 x New Appoint­ments Wel­comed, Michael Byrnes for being nom­i­nat­ed as a final­ist in the Lawyers Week­ly Part­ner of the Year

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | Decem­ber 2022

We cel­e­brat­ed the Swaab End Of Year Black & White Ball 2022. Con­grat­u­la­tions to the Fam­i­ly Law team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2023 |

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | Sep­tem­ber 2022

Swaab Part­ners, staff and fam­i­ly mem­bers enjoyed the fir­m’s annu­al #Fam­i­ly­Day. Con­grat­u­la­tions to Angela Har­vey for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Wills, Estate

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | July 2022

Pub­li­ca­tions | News | Evo­lu­tion of a legal team, ser­ving the prop­er­ty indus­try | Awards | Careers | Mer­i­tas | 2022 Gold­en Gavel

Swaab Alum­ni Newslet­ter | March 2022

We Wel­comed 3 x New Part­ners Ger­ald Carides, Nick Dale & Michael Hayter | Doyles Guide Awards & Aus­tralasian Lawyer Award | Careers | Lawyer Inter­view Series |