Peo­ple do busi­ness with peo­ple they like, so come join us, get inspired, learn, share and build new relationships. 

What’s on?

Anna Sharpe & James Skel­ton | ACC NSW In-per­son event: AI Act – EU Law’s Aus­tralian Reach & Aus­tralian Developments

Aus­tralian busi­ness­es hav­ing inter­na­tion­al cus­tomer or sup­pli­er deal­ings may have legal com­pli­ance oblig­a­tions under the Euro­pean Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Act which came into force on 2 August 2024.This pre­sen­ta­tion Anna Sharpe and James Skel­ton will cov­er how and when that Act will impact on Aus­tralian busi­ness­es and the extent to which required com­pli­ance…

Michael Byrnes | ACC- Crack­ing the Code: Mas­ter­ing Aus­tralian Employ­ment Leg­is­la­tion Changes

Get ready to nav­i­gate the evolv­ing land­scape of Aus­tralian employ­ment leg­is­la­tion with ACC Aus­tralia, along­side part­ners Michael Byrnes - Swaab, Bak­er McKen­zie, and Source.In today’s dynam­ic legal envi­ron­ment, stay­ing ahead is cru­cial. Host­ed by Lori Mid­dle­hurst, this half day event promis­es deep insights into the lat­est leg­isla­tive shifts, fos­ter­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion between legal and HR…

Helen Kow­al | Design and Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers (DBP) Act and relat­ed reg­u­la­tions and its impact on stra­ta-build­ing reme­di­al works webinar

Deb Lockart of RHM Con­sul­tants and Helen Kow­al of Swaab will encore their pre­sen­ta­tion on the DBP and relat­ed reg­u­la­tion of the reme­di­al industry.Learn what’s been achieved and hear their insights. Sig­nif­i­cant mile­stones have been achieved through the reme­di­al gov­ern­ment con­sul­ta­tion process and they will share these con­sul­ta­tion outcomes.This webi­nar will be…

Nick Dale | Asso­ci­a­tion of Cor­po­rate Coun­sel — 2023 Inhouse Coun­sel Day

Nicholas Dale — Part­ner, Lit­i­ga­tion & Insol­ven­cy, will be speak­ing at the upcom­ing Asso­ci­a­tion of Cor­po­rate Coun­sel Aus­tralia 2023 NSW In-House Coun­sel Day in Syd­ney, on the top­ic of,​‘Nav­i­gat­ing an uncer­tain econ­o­my: sail­ing the seas of insol­ven­cy’ Nick will be co-pre­sen­t­ing with Karen Petch a com­mer­cial Bar­ris­ter in insol­ven­cy and cor­po­ra­tions law…

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