Our team has expe­ri­ence in act­ing for lenders, bor­row­ers, arrangers, and investors, and under­stand the dif­fer­ent com­mer­cial dri­vers in any finan­cial trans­ac­tion. This means we can antic­i­pate key legal and com­mer­cial issues like­ly to arise in any trans­ac­tion and guide our clients through them.

As part of a full-ser­vice law firm, we draw on our exper­tise in cap­i­tal gains tax, merg­ers and acqui­si­tions, intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty, tech­nol­o­gy, insol­ven­cy, plan­ning, con­struc­tion, employ­ment, and oth­er prac­tice areas. Our lawyers have advised on cross-bor­der financ­ing involv­ing var­i­ous devel­oped and devel­op­ing mar­kets, across sev­er­al busi­ness sec­tors and have held senior in-house roles.


  • Busi­ness investments
  • Finance & mort­gage agreements
  • Per­son­al Prop­er­ty Secu­ri­ties Act (PPSA)
  • Sale of res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial mort­gage pools
  • Asset-based lend­ing
  • Cash-flow lend­ing
  • Ven­dor financing
  • Com­mer­cial loan agreements
  • Con­struc­tion and devel­op­ment finance
  • Com­pa­ny title finance
  • Finan­cial regulation
  • Struc­tur­ing & asset protection
  • Busi­ness risk minimisation
  • AFSL Licenc­ing compliance
  • Busi­ness sales & purchases
  • Direc­tor and share­hold­er agreements
  • Super­an­nu­a­tion
  • Debt recov­ery, bank­rupt­cy, and insolvency
  • Divi­sion 7A loan agree­ments / mortgages
  • Finance con­tracts

Exper­tise: Inhouse

  • Debt – fixed-rate and float­ing-rate loans and facil­i­ties, liq­uid­i­ty facil­i­ties, cash advance facil­i­ties, stan­dard terms for cred­it facil­i­ties, fixed-rate and float­ing-rate notes, syn­di­cat­ed facil­i­ties, risk par­tic­i­pa­tion agreements
  • Trea­sury – for­ward FX agree­ments, repur­chase facil­i­ties, ISDA swap trans­ac­tions, futures contracts
  • Insti­tu­tion­al – clear­ing facil­i­ty agree­ments, var­i­ous debt products
  • Equi­ty – equi­ty cap­i­tal mar­kets transactions
  • Reg­u­la­to­ry – assist­ed with the man­age­ment of the bank’s RBA, APRA, and ASIC rela­tion­ships, AFSL appli­ca­tions, and management
  • Indus­try – rep­re­sen­ta­tive on var­i­ous indus­try groups includ­ing RBA com­mit­tees, Aus­trac, and Inter­na­tion­al Banks Association.

Use­ful Links

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