
Madeleine Urmoneit pre­sent­ed Con­veyanc­ing Essen­tials for Sup­port Staff | Law Soci­ety of NSW

Prop­er­ty lawyer, Madeleine Urmoneit con­duct­ed inter­ac­tive online work­shops, on Con­veyanc­ing Essen­tials for Sup­port Staff for the Law Soci­ety of NSW, over two half day ses­sions. The ses­sions focused on the admin­is­tra­tive pro­ce­dures of the con­veyanc­ing process when act­ing for either the ven­dor or purchaser.

Top­ics will include:

  • Prepar­ing a contract
  • Effect­ing exchange
  • Under­tak­ing searches
  • Set­ting up and man­ag­ing the e‑Conveyancing Workspace
  • Pre- and post-set­tle­ment procedures
  • Man­ag­ing files, includ­ing doc­u­ment retention

This course was designed for sup­port staff who work in or plan to start work­ing in a con­veyanc­ing practice. 

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