As an expe­ri­enced prop­er­ty lawyer with over 25 years’ work­ing in com­mer­cial prop­er­ty in Aus­tralia, I pro­vide my clients with both deep knowl­edge and exper­tise in leas­ing, prop­er­ty invest­ment, and prop­er­ty development.

I am recog­nised for my client ser­vice and I under­stand the impor­tance of adding val­ue beyond the legal aspects, by assist­ing my clien­t’s with strate­gic think­ing and com­mer­cial­ly viable solu­tions. My clients include cor­po­ra­tions, pri­vate com­pa­nies and families.


  • Prop­er­ty
  • Stra­ta


  • Health­care & Allied Health
  • Pri­vate Clients & Fam­i­ly Businesses
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Retail & Wholesale


  • The exten­sive knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence I’ve gained over the years extends to: land­lord-ten­ant leas­ing, leas­ing-relat­ed advice, com­mer­cial prop­er­ty acqui­si­tions and dis­pos­als, prop­er­ty devel­op­ment, prop­er­ty joint ven­tures and stra­ta and com­mu­ni­ty title developments.
  • Act­ing for nation­al cor­po­ra­tions with respect to indus­tri­al leas­ing for numer­ous busi­ness parks in NSW.
  • Act­ing for a land­lord of a devel­oped high-end shop­ping cen­tre and retail precinct
  • Act­ing for a par­tial­ly local and for­eign-owned devel­op­er which is a retail and com­mer­cial staged com­mu­ni­ty title devel­op­ment in the south­west of Sydney.
  • Due dili­gence, dis­pos­al, and acqui­si­tion of mixed-use, com­mer­cial, retail, and indus­tri­al prop­er­ty port­fo­lios, stand-alone prop­er­ties, shares, and units in struc­tures own­ing prop­er­ty assets.
  • Act­ed for an off­shore prop­er­ty trust land­lord of a mixed-use com­mer­cial and retail build­ing in Mel­bourne CBD

Roles, mem­ber­ships, and education

  • Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma in Legal Prac­tice 1988
  • Bach­e­lor of Eco­nom­ics, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide 1987
  • Bach­e­lor of Laws, Uni­ver­si­ty of Ade­laide 1987
  • Mem­ber — Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Com­mit­tee of the Aus­tralian Prop­er­ty Institute


The evo­lu­tion of a legal team, intro­duc­ing Swaab’s team ser­vic­ing the prop­er­ty industry

The pace of trans­for­ma­tion, increased vol­ume and com­plex­i­ty of projects has con­tin­ued unabat­ed with­in the prop­er­ty sec­tor. As one of…

Swaab 2022 Lawyer Inter­view Series | Tony D’Agostino

Wel­come to the first of our Swaab 2022 Lawyer Inter­view Series | Tony D’Agostino: Why did you become a lawyer? I liked the…

The GST with­hold­ing régime starts July 2018 — A look at the trans­ac­tions to which it will apply

The new GST ​‘with­hold­ing’ régime for sales of new res­i­den­tial prop­er­ties and vacant res­i­den­tial lots will apply from 1 July 2018 onwards…

In the News

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Tony D’Agosti­no for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Tony D’Agosti­no for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2024 as a Lead­ing Rec­om­mend­ed Leas­ing Lawyers – New South Wales, 202…

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Swaab’s Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2023

Con­grat­u­la­tions to: Swaab’s Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects team for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide as a Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Prop­er­ty & Real Estate Law Firms –…

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Tony D’Agosti­no for being recog­nised in Doyles Guide 2023

Rec­om­mend­ed Lead­ing Leas­ing Lawyers – New South Wales, 2023, click here…

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