Our Team

Stu­art Bocking

Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects, Plan­ning & Environment

I am a solic­i­tor in the Prop­er­ty, Projects, and Plan­ning team at Swaab. My back­ground includes work­ing with­in the high­est lev­els of gov­ern­ment, and pri­or to that I had an exten­sive career in broad­cast media. With­in gov­ern­ment, I man­aged pol­i­cy and legal issues relat­ing to min­ing and resources, forestry, polic­ing, renew­ables projects, and land use con­flicts. I bring a prac­ti­cal approach to the law and enjoy build­ing rela­tion­ships with clients to get the best results. My net­work of con­tacts can assist clients in nav­i­gat­ing an ever-chang­ing busi­ness and reg­u­la­to­ry landscape.


  • Plan­ning & Environment

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • Environmental, Social & Governance
  • Energy & Natural Resources
  • Real Estate & Construction


  • Assisting landholders in their dealings with local government
  • Acting for developers seeking approvals
  • Drafting and amending legislation in natural resources and policing
  • Providing advice on the NSW planning system
  • Navigating the machinery of government at the NSW and Commonwealth level
  • Specialist focus on mining and critical minerals projects
  • Advising clients on government relations and communications strategies

Roles, memberships and education

  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, College of Law
  • Diploma in Law, Legal Practitioners Admission Board
  • Diploma in Commercial Broadcasting, Aust. Film, Television, and Radio School
  • Bachelor of Economics (majors in accounting and finance), Macquarie University
  • Admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW
  • Member of Law Society of NSW

In the News

Read more News Articles by Stu­art Bocking