Our Team

Ste­vie-Lee Nobbs

Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning & Projects

I am a solic­i­tor prac­tis­ing in the Prop­er­ty, Plan­ning and Projects team at Swaab. I have expe­ri­ence in prop­er­ty law mat­ters and my spe­cif­ic focus is retail and com­mer­cial leas­ing, act­ing for both land­lords and ten­ants. My back­ground also includes expe­ri­ence in com­mer­cial law mat­ters such as sale and pur­chase of busi­ness­es, pur­chase of rent rolls and share sale agree­ments. I also gained expe­ri­ence in leas­ing relat­ed dis­pute mat­ters includ­ing assist­ing clients with breach notices, medi­a­tions and NCAT leas­ing matters. 


  • Leas­ing

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • Property


  • Acting for landlords with retail and commercial portfolios
  • Experience preparing and negotiating assignment of leases, variation of leases and subleases in NSW and Qld
  • Acting for tenants with multiple leased premises to ensure consistency amongst all leases
  • Preparation of notices to terminate under demolition provisions
  • Experience with preparing and serving breach notices in NSW and QLD
  • Experience with NCAT mediation applications

Roles, memberships and education

  • Bachelor of Social Legal Studies, University of Sydney
  • Diploma in Law, Legal Profession Admission Board
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, College of Law
  • Law Society of New South Wales

In the News

Read more News Articles by Ste­vie-Lee Nobbs