I am a pas­sion­ate com­mer­cial lawyer with over 30 years’ of expe­ri­ence in Aus­tralia and the Unit­ed Kingdom.

I advise on a wide vari­ety of com­mer­cial trans­ac­tions from small busi­ness own­ers to large-scale, mul­ti-juris­dic­tion­al deals for clients involv­ing com­plex own­er­ship struc­tures, lease­back arrange­ments, and financ­ing trans­ac­tions for medi­um and large-sized enter­pris­es, includ­ing list­ed companies.


  • Com­mer­cial
  • Cor­po­rate 
  • Estate Plan­ning & Wills
  • Prop­er­ty


  • Finan­cial Services
  • Pri­vate Clients & Fam­i­ly Businesses
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Ser­vices Pro­fes­sion­al & Non-professional


My busi­ness law expe­ri­ence includes advis­ing on buy­ing and sell­ing com­pa­nies and/​or busi­ness assets of all sizes and com­plex­i­ties, draft­ing and nego­ti­at­ing share­hold­er and joint ven­ture arrange­ments, advis­ing on cus­tomer con­tracts includ­ing sup­ply, dis­tri­b­u­tion and exploita­tion agree­ments, and advis­ing on busi­ness suc­ces­sion structuring.

My prop­er­ty law expe­ri­ence ranges from straight for­ward home pur­chase and sale for indi­vid­ual clients to the pur­chase and sale of ful­ly and par­tial­ly ten­ant­ed high-rise office tow­ers, retail shops, agri­cul­tur­al farms and land devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties held as lease­hold, free­hold and stra­ta title.

I also have exten­sive prop­er­ty leas­ing expe­ri­ence in the retail, com­mer­cial and indus­tri­al areas act­ing for both land­lords and ten­ants through­out Aus­tralia. I cur­rent­ly advise a num­ber of well-known nation­al and inter­na­tion­al brands in their Aus­tralian prop­er­ty portfolios.

Busi­ness suc­ces­sion and estate plan­ning run hand in hand with my pri­vate client prac­tice and encom­pass Will prepa­ra­tion, buy/​sell arrange­ments and asset pro­tec­tion strate­gies. My expe­ri­ence includes:

  • Due dili­gence, sale and acqui­si­tion of busi­ness­es, shares and units
  • Due dili­gence, sale and acqui­si­tion of indi­vid­ual res­i­den­tial and mixed-use, rur­al, com­mer­cial, retail and indus­tri­al prop­er­ty portfolios
  • Prop­er­ty leasing
  • Draft­ing and nego­ti­at­ing joint ven­tures, strate­gic alliances, part­ner­ship and share­hold­er agreements
  • Fam­i­ly busi­ness suc­ces­sion, organ­i­sa­tion and re-structuring
  • Cor­po­rate advisory
  • Per­son­al and busi­ness struc­tur­ing and asset protection
  • Estate plan­ning

Roles, mem­ber­ships and education

  • Bach­e­lor of Laws (LLB) from QUT1989
  • Admit­ted as a Solic­i­tor of the Supreme Court of Queens­land, 1989
  • Admit­ted as a Solic­i­tor of the Supreme Court of Eng­land and Wales, 1993
  • Admit­ted as a Solic­i­tor of the Supreme Court of NSW1994
  • Queens­land Jus­tice of the Peace (Qual­i­fied), 2015
  • Sec­re­tary, Man­ly War­ringah Ath­let­ics Cen­tre Incor­po­rat­ed, 2016 – present

Get in touch

If you have any queries about a legal issue or wish to talk about a legal matter please get in touch and we'll contact you promptly.

*Mandatory information