Our Team

Kathryn Schultz

Com­mer­cial, Cor­po­rate

I am a prac­ti­cal and ver­sa­tile solic­i­tor with expe­ri­ence across a broad range of com­mer­cial and cor­po­rate mat­ters. This includes com­mer­cial trans­ac­tions, busi­ness and share sales, inter­nal reor­gan­i­sa­tions and inte­gra­tions, and diverse reg­u­la­to­ry advice. With expe­ri­ence in legal writ­ing, I pride myself on pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty plain Eng­lish advice to a wide vari­ety of clients.


  • Com­mer­cial
  • Cor­po­rate
  • Merg­ers and acquisitions

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • M&A and private equity


  • Commercial transactions and general corporate and commercial matters
  • Private M&A transactions across a wide variety of transaction sizes and industries
  • Regulatory and corporate governance issues
  • Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) advice and applications
  • Internal restructures and post-acquisition integrations

Roles, memberships, and education

  • Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours), Australian National University (2014)
  • Bachelor of Asia-Pacific Studies, Australian National University (2014)
  • Graduate Diploma of Asia-Pacific Studies, Australian National University (2012)
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, Australian National University (2015)
  • Admitted New South Wales (2016)
  • Member of the Law Society of NSW

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