Our Team

Esther Khoo

Special Counsel
Lit­i­ga­tion, Insol­ven­cy

I am a Spe­cial Coun­sel in the lit­i­ga­tion and insol­ven­cy team at Swaab. I assist our clients in achiev­ing prac­ti­cal, strate­gic and time­ly results. I am a Teach­ing Fel­low at the Fac­ul­ty of Law & Jus­tice, UNSW.


  • Lit­i­ga­tion
  • Insol­ven­cy
  • Cor­po­rate and com­mer­cial disputes
  • Prop­er­ty and leas­ing disputes

Practice & Industry Sectors

  • Litigation & Dispute Resolution


  • Urgent duty matters in the Supreme Court of NSW, including extension of caveat proceedings, defending application to re-enter commercial restaurant premises, restraint of trade proceedings.
  • For liquidators in breach of director duty proceedings, debt recovery and deed of company arrangements (including applications for transfer of property, mortgage issues and share transfer).
  • For liquidators and also for directors in public examinations.
  • For directors and corporations in misleading and deceptive conduct claims, breach of contract claims involving overseas investors, commercial partnership and contractual disputes.
  • In winding up applications, including winding up of corporate trustees.
  • For local council in negligence and contractual claims.
  • For property developers and for lessors in commercial properties and leasing disputes.
  • Professional negligence claims.
  • s 66G applications.

Roles, memberships and education

  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
  • Master of Laws, University of Sydney
  • Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws (Hons), The Australian National University
  • Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Law & Justice, University of New South Wales
  • The Francis Forbes Society for Australian Legal History, member
  • Law Society of NSW, member
  • Fluent in written and spoken Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia.


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