I am a Senior Asso­ciate in our lit­i­ga­tion team. I have expe­ri­ence in a broad range of com­mer­cial disputes.

I use that expe­ri­ence to advise clients about their legal rights and strate­gies to achieve the best pos­si­ble com­mer­cial outcomes.


  • Insol­ven­cy
  • Lit­i­ga­tion
  • Stra­ta


  • Finan­cial Services
  • Man­u­fac­tur­ing & Industrials
  • Nat­ur­al Resources
  • Pri­vate Clients & Fam­i­ly Businesses
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Ser­vices Pro­fes­sion­al & Non-professional


I work con­sci­en­tious­ly and effi­cient­ly to assist clients. I ensure that they under­stand their legal posi­tion and are on board with a strat­e­gy to resolve the issues in ques­tion. I work to under­stand each clien­t’s con­cerns in order and tai­lor solu­tions based on those concerns.

  • Gen­er­al com­mer­cial lit­i­ga­tion and dis­pute resolution
  • Con­trac­tu­al disputes
  • Prop­er­ty disputes
  • Estate dis­putes
  • Trust dis­putes
  • Defect & Stra­ta litigation
  • Cor­po­ra­tions law
  • Part­ner­ship disputes
  • Debt recov­ery
  • Cor­po­rate insolvency
  • Bank­rupt­cy

Roles, mem­ber­ships and education

  • Dip Law (Syd)
  • Grad Dip Leg Prac (ANU)
  • Mas­ter of Laws (Syd)
  • Law Soci­ety of NSW
  • Law Soci­ety of NSW (Young Lawyers, Busi­ness Law Com­mit­tee) (2013)
  • Law Soci­ety (Young Lawyers, Work­place and Safe­ty Law Com­mit­tee) (2013)

Get in touch

If you have any queries about a legal issue or wish to talk about a legal matter please get in touch and we'll contact you promptly.

*Mandatory information