Why did you become a lawyer?

I was one of those annoy­ing kids walk­ing around telling peo­ple from a very young age that I would one day be a lawyer, then shout­ing things like OBJEC­TION!” in con­ver­sa­tion. As I got old­er, and became a senior at a rur­al, pub­lic school, I was dis­cour­aged from aim­ing for this due to the lack of oppor­tu­ni­ties avail­able to me. If any­thing, it made me want it more. Not only did I get into law school, but I made it Swaab in Syd­ney and love the intel­lec­tu­al chal­lenges that face me every day.

Why Swaab?

Swaab is a uni­corn. Swaab punch­es above its weight for a mid-tier firm with its client base and work. It is both impres­sive yet steeped in a sup­port­ive and fun envi­ron­ment. The Man­ag­ing Part­ner knows your name. In fact, every­one does. We work hard. We sup­port each oth­er. We cel­e­brate togeth­er. My col­leagues are my men­tors, team­mates, and friends.

What’s your best mem­o­ry or client success?

Being pro­mot­ed to Senior Asso­ciate recent­ly. I work hard to sup­port my team and the part­ners in it. But it has been won­der­ful receiv­ing con­grat­u­la­tions’ from many of the oth­er part­ners in the firm, even those who do not work close­ly with me. It is nice to know that oth­ers in the firm, out­side of your team, can see and acknowl­edge your hard work. 

Who has been your great­est influence?

In life – my Dad. In work, Daniel Ken­twell. Dan worked his way from the mail room, to EA, to para­le­gal and even­tu­al­ly, Senior Asso­ciate. He was taught by the best (Mary Digiglio) and passed on all his teach­ings to me. He was a patient men­tor, friend, and guide through my ear­ly years as a lawyer.

What do you like to do out­side of work?

Wine & dine my way through Syd­ney’s impres­sive restau­rants with my husband

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Michael Byrnes appeared on Nights with John Stan­ley on 2GB and 4BC on 11 Feb­ru­ary 2025 to dis­cuss legal issues relat­ed to Valen­tine’s Day in the workplace

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