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Employ­ee suc­ceeds in prov­ing Unfair Dis­missal but is left with­out a remedy

In Brief In an extra­or­di­nary deci­sion, Fair Work Aus­tralia (FWA) has found an unfair dis­missal despite the employ­er prov­ing a valid rea­son for dis­missal and com­pli­ance with the pro­ce­dur­al jus­tice require­ments. In a fur­ther twist, the employ­ee was left with­out a remedy. Mark Not­man v Neway Trans­port [2011] FWA 5162 Mark Not­man (Not­man) was employed by…

Best endeav­ours” and rea­son­able endeav­ours” is there a difference?

In brief – Aus­tralian inter­pre­ta­tion dif­fer­ent to the UK In the UK, the term ​“best endeav­ours” implies a high­er stan­dard than the term ​“rea­son­able endeav­ours”. How­ev­er, in Aus­tralia the terms appear to have the same prac­ti­cal effect. Eng­lish posi­tion – ​“best endeav­ours” means a high­er thresh­old must be met In Eng­land, it seems that the…

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