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Film and TV studios appeal to High Court in iiNet copyright case
In brief — Full Federal Court decision on iiNet appealed to the High Court The consortium of film and television companies has gone to the High Court to appeal the decision that iiNet did not authorise copyright infringement via its internet service. Background to iiNet case As mentioned in our previous article, Appeal…
Mobile telephone facility/tower leases — 3 things you need to know if you are a landlord
In brief — Landlord/tenant relationship, lease agreements and good faith negotiations If a telecommunications provider (telco) wishes to install a telecommunications facility on your land, you need to be aware of the points to be included in a lease agreement and the telco’s obligation to negotiate in good faith. It is critical that…
Can you dismiss an employee for a Facebook post?
In brief – Postings on social media can have consequences for employees An employee who thinks that they may say what they want about their employer on Facebook with total immunity from consequences is foolish, according to Fair Work Australia (FWA). The rise of social media Social networking sites such as Facebook…
Swaab carbon emissions lowest of all AusLSA law firms
In Brief In this article Legally green, Lawyers Weekly magazine has highlighted the efforts of the eight founding members of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance (AusLSA) to measure and reduce their carbon footprint. …
Swaab Legal Directions — Issue 1 April 2011
Swaab Legal Directions — The first issue for 2011 of our quarterly newsletter. …
Extension of personal liability of directors
Important changes in the law governing a director’s liability for company debts have been forecast. The anticipated changes will mean that a company director’s personal liability for company debts will be extended to include unpaid superannuation guarantee contributions for their companies. Directors are currently required to cause their company to pay deduction taxes…
Is your will valid?
Prescribed requirements It is important that your will is written and executed to comply with the requirements as prescribed under the Succession Act 2006 (the Act) . Essentially the requirements of a valid will are set out in Section 6 of the Act. A will is generally invalid unless: it is in writing, either…
Identification guide for New South Wales
In Brief Fraud in land dealings has long been an issue in New South Wales. Now the legislature is taking a preventative approach to try to minimise the incidence of fraud. Whether or not these initiatives accomplish a reduction of fraudulent property related transactions is to be seen. Land transactions – section 117 Witness certification From…
Has the long-anticipated regulation of litigation funding finally arrived?
International Litigation Partners Pte Ltd v Chameleon Mining NL (2011) 276 ALR 138; [2011] NSWCA 50; BC201101379. Introduction The recent decision of the NSW Court of Appeal in International Litigation Partners Pte Ltd v Chameleon Mining NL (See Footnote 1) has confirmed that litigation funders are required to hold an Australian financial…
What rights do parents have to stop their ex’s new partner taking part in raising their children
Joint parental responsibility Without any court orders and usually with court orders (unless it is determined by the court that it is not in the best interests of the children), both parents have joint parental responsibility. This means that it is both parents’ responsibility, not that of a new partner of…