Keep­ing you up-to-date with the lat­est legal devel­op­ments, leg­is­la­tion changes and case precedents.

Lat­est publications

When are you liable for third par­ty post­ings about your busi­ness on a social net­work­ing site?

In brief – Com­pa­nies can be held respon­si­ble for state­ments by third parties On 10 Feb­ru­ary 2011, the Fed­er­al Court of Aus­tralia hand­ed down judg­ment in con­tempt pro­ceed­ings that may have sig­nif­i­cant impli­ca­tions for busi­ness­es which use social media to mar­ket them­selves. The Court held that a com­pa­ny and its sole direc­tor…

Ter­mi­na­tion of employ­ees for breach of drug & alco­hol policies

In brief – FWA takes breach­es seriously The pro­mo­tion of safe­ty in the work­place is an issue tak­en seri­ous­ly by Fair Work Aus­tralia (FWA) which has con­sis­tent­ly sup­port­ed employ­ers in ter­mi­nat­ing employ­ees who breach their drug and alco­hol policies. Ter­mi­na­tion of employ­ees for breach­es of drug and alco­hol policies In unfair dis­missal appli­ca­tions…

New rules on black­out peri­ods and trad­ing win­dows for trad­ing in list­ed com­pa­ny shares

In brief — List­ed com­pa­nies now need a trad­ing policy From 1 Jan­u­ary 2011 list­ed com­pa­nies are required under ASX List­ing Rule 12.9 to adopt a trad­ing pol­i­cy. Trad­ing poli­cies are designed to reduce the poten­tial for con­flicts of inter­est and insid­er trading. Black­out periods  Dur­ing a black­out peri­od, direc­tors and senior staff are pre­vent­ed from trad­ing…

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