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Building energy efficiency update — Commercial Buildings Mandatory Disclosure Régime and Environment
In Brief — Mixed use buildings, refurbishments and Environmental Upgrade Agreements The Commercial Buildings Mandatory Disclosure Régime has undergone amendments, effective 29 November 2010, related to mixed use buildings and refurbishments. The Local Government Amendment (Environmental Upgrade Agreements) Bill 2010 facilitates a financing mechanism for building owners to implement major long term…
Cloud computing and smart phones — Has your business updated its IP policy?
In Brief — Smart devices and IT policy The increasing proliferation of smart devices poses a new security risk for businesses. To deal with this risk, you may need to update your company’s IT policy and ensure that it is implemented. Use of smart devices in business Most businesses are offering either Blackberrys…
Family businesses and employment law — How problems arise and how to prevent them
In Brief — Employment problems related to the size of a family business Family businesses typically encounter employment problems once they reach a certain size. These problems can arise because of shortfalls in HR training, workforce management, communication channels, employment procedures, criteria for promotion or procedures for investigating inappropriate behaviour, underperformance and complaints. How…
Sexual harassment in supported employment — Risks for employers and how to minimise them
In Brief Christmas is the season for many things, including inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. Employers need to be aware that sexual harassment claims can result from actions which spring from the best intentions. What one person considers to be friendly behaviour can be seen by others as offensive and inappropriate…
Negotiating parenting arrangements after separation or divorce
In brief — Emotions can cloud judgement The biggest mistake that people make when negotiating parenting arrangements is that they allow their own anger and hurt to cloud their judgment as to what parenting arrangements would be in the best interests of their children. Best interests of the child The Family Law Act…
Court hands down first fines for breaches of single pricing law
On 4 November 2010, the Federal Court ordered two restaurants to pay penalties of $13,200 each for breaching the law requiring a single, all-inclusive price to be clearly stated to consumers. This follows the introduction earlier this year of new laws under the Trade Practices Act (which from next year will be…
Benefits and pitfalls of social media for your business — do you have the right policies in place?
In brief — Increasing use of social media Social media is being used increasingly, not only by individuals personally, but also by people who wish to promote their businesses and themselves in a professional or business capacity. Social media can be a powerful tool for achieving these ends. Difficulty of corporate control over social media…
Do you provide credit in your business? Under the new rules you may need a Credit Licence
In brief — New credit licensing régime in Australia If you engage in credit activities for the first time from 1 July 2010, you will generally need an Australian Credit Licence or an authorisation from a licensee before commencing business. Businesses involved in credit related activities for personal, household or domestic purposes should…
Equal opportunity for women in the workplace — reporting obligations of employers
In brief — Importance of compliance with EOWA Act The federal government is serious about promoting equal opportunity for women in the workplace. Employers need to comply with the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (EOWA Act). Renewed focus on equal opportunity The highly publicised sexual harassment dispute involving…
New laws governing public access to share registers aimed at unsolicited share offers
In brief — Restricted access aimed at unsolicited share offers The government recently brought into force new laws regulating access to share registers. Although aimed primarily at unsolicited share offers, the Corporations Amendment (No 1) Act 2010 restricts access to registers for a far wider range of users. How the Act works Previously any…