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Still haven’t found what I’m look­ing for… Teething Prob­lems with the PPSR

More than three months after the go-live, sig­nif­i­cant prob­lems per­sist with the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the Per­son­al Prop­er­ty Secu­ri­ties Reg­is­ter (PPSR). Migrat­ed pre-PPSA reg­is­tered secu­ri­ty interests The Reg­is­trar of the PPSR con­firmed ear­ly on that a large num­ber of errors and omis­sions occurred in the migra­tion of data from ASIC and State & Ter­ri­to­ry…

Hol­ly­wood stu­dios lose to ISP iiNet in copy­right autho­ri­sa­tion case

In Brief Hol­ly­wood stu­dios have appealed the recent land­mark Fed­er­al Court deci­sion that found inter­net ser­vice provider (ISP) iiNet not liable for copy­right infringe­ments by its customers. Ille­gal down­load­ing by iiNet customers Despite pro­lif­ic ille­gal down­load­ing by iiNet cus­tomers using the Bit­Tor­rent peer-to-peer pro­to­col, iiNet did no more than pro­vide a legit­i­mate means…

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