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ATO issues statement on Bamford Case
In Brief Last month we discussed the High Court decision in the Bamford case. We highlighted that the ATO was expected to issue a Decision Impact Statement in the near future. The ATO has now done so with its statement dated 2 June 2010. Summary of the Bamford case To recap, this was the…
Family constitutions — how to prevent problems before they happen
In Brief Successful development of a family constitution can help to ensure the prosperity and longevity of a family business. A family constitution encapsulates the values, beliefs and objectives of the family and defines the relationship of the family to the business. What is a family constitution? Running a family business is hard enough without the additional…
Adverse action — the new unfair dismissal
In Brief Employees who do not fit within the scheme of unfair dismissal, either because they are in their qualifying period or because they earn over the high income limit of $108,300, are permitted by the Fair Work Act to bring an even more serious claim related to adverse action. What…
Welcome to the .CO era — The .CO domain name extension
In Brief Businesses throughout the world are able to protect and expand their brand by registering a new domain name, in the .CO domain. This is different to the existing .com and domains. Colombia opens up .co domain .CO is currently the country code domain for Colombia. However, recent surveys show most…
Part payment of debts — should you deposit that cheque?
In Brief Can a debtor make a part payment of a debt and stipulate that by banking the cheque, the creditor accepts that the debt has been paid in full? Cheques for partial payment of debts Sometimes, our clients who provide goods and services receive cheques for less than the amount owed. On occasions, thankfully rare, the…
Marriage, divorce and separation — when should you change your will?
In Brief Marriage, divorce and separation are all events which require you to change your Will. Marriage If you marry it is imperative that you make a new Will. If you marry after you have made a Will, the Will is automatically revoked (or cancelled). The only exception to this rule is if the…
Paid parental leave legislation, unpaid leave and flexible work arrangements under the Fair Work Act
In brief — paid parental leave A paid parental leave scheme was introduced into parliament on 12 May 2010. It passed the Senate on 17 June 2010. The scheme commences on 1 January 2011. Continuing entitlement to unpaid leave and flexible work arrangements The Fair Work Act enshrines the right of employees who give…
Marriage, divorce and separation — when should you change your will?
In Brief Marriage, divorce and separation are all events which require you to change your Will. Marriage If you marry it is imperative that you make a new Will. If you marry after you have made a Will, the Will is automatically revoked (or cancelled). The only exception to this rule is if the…
Marriage, divorce and separation — when should you change your will?
In Brief Marriage, divorce and separation are all events which require you to change your Will. Marriage If you marry it is imperative that you make a new Will. If you marry after you have made a Will, the Will is automatically revoked (or cancelled). The only exception to this rule is if the…
Dividing the larger and smaller assets of the marriage or relationship after divorce or break-up
In Brief — Dividing the assets of a relationship It is important to obtain a valuation for large assets and to bear in mind any future liability which may attach to them. For the division of smaller assets, it is generally better to agree on a division with your ex-partner whenever possible, avoiding…