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How can an SME avoid business failure? Some useful tips to guide you.
In Brief Two recent surveys of SME business owners and their advisers revealed some key reasons why businesses fail. Reasons for failure According to a CCH survey, SME owners believe that most business failures are a result of poor cost management, whilst many of their advisers believe that failure is often due to a poorly-designed business…
Pre-packaged insolvencies
What is a pre-pack? At Swaab, we have seen an increase in “pre-packaged insolvencies” by distressed companies. “Pre-packs”, as they are known, are arrangements where the sale of all or part of a company’s business and/or assets is negotiated with a purchaser (often one associated with the company or its management) prior to…
Swearing at work — can it cost you your job?
In Brief What is appropriate and inappropriate conduct in the workplace is constantly evolving. Whether swearing is regarded as offensive is often informed by the context, the type of swearing and the audience. The question of whether swearing at work can cost you your job is a highly relevant one. Several cases…
Introducing the early years quality fund — are you eligible to receive funding?
This year the Federal Government announced the Early Years Quality Fund as part of its National Quality Agenda for early childhood education and care. There will be an additional $300 million funding to support childcare service providers to pay a $3 per hour wage increase to Certificate III qualified educators…
Disabled Employees
In Brief People often judge a book by its cover and this still applies when it comes to the judgments we make about each other. In light of the proposed anti discrimination legislation, this article outlines what disability discrimination is, the exceptions which allow discrimination and how the supported wage system assists…
What prevents people from being able to reach an out of court settlement?
In Brief — Why are people unable to reach an out of court settlement? The two main reasons why separating couples are unable to reach an out of court settlement are unrealistic expectations and decision making being clouded by emotions. Unrealistic expectations When one party has unrealistic expectations about their entitlements, responsibilities…
What happens regarding child visitation rights when blended families divorce?
The blended family (step-family) In a blended family, commonly known as a step-family, one or both partners have children from previous relationships. So what happens if the blended family then breaks down? Does the stepparent have visitation rights with their stepchild? Step-parents have rights Under the Family Law Act (Cth), children have a right to…
Relationship breakdown checklist — what should you do if you separate?
Financial steps to consider Check all joint accounts and home loan redraws. Change PINs and passwords. Withdraw surplus funds or restrict access. Speak to your bank. Check all joint credit accounts, including credit cards, store cards and overdrafts. Restrict access or cancel cards and get new ones. If you do not have a bank…
Quick tip for protecting your brand — domain names
With consumers relying more and more on the ability to research and buy products and services online, retailers are under considerable pressure to reconfigure their business plans in response. Online shopping is now mainstream and businesses must maximise their online presence in order to compete effectively. Domain names are a critical part…
The three most important things you should do when first separating
In brief — What to do when you’ve just separated The three most important things to do are see a family lawyer, look after yourself and keep communication with your spouse friendly. See a lawyer Make an appointment to see a family lawyer. The best way to get the answers that you need is to…