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Request for Flex­i­ble Work­ing Arrangements 

In Brief When com­pa­nies receive employ­ee requests for flex­i­ble work­ing arrange­ments, under­stand­ing if they can accom­mo­date their employ­ee’s need for flex­i­bil­i­ty, whilst still main­tain­ing their busi­ness and client inter­ests can be a dif­fi­cult bal­anc­ing act. In a busi­ness envi­ron­ment where there are com­pet­ing inter­ests between employ­ers, employ­ees and clients it’s dif­fi­cult to strike the…

NABERS Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion: Don’t get caught on the wrong side of the fence 

In Brief With the com­mer­cial prop­er­ty mar­ket heat­ing up, if you are a ven­dor or a lessor you should ensure that your build­ing has appro­pri­ate NABERS cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in place. The Com­mer­cial Build­ing Dis­clo­sure (CBD) Pro­gram requires ven­dors and land­lords of dis­clo­sure-affect­ed build­ings to obtain a Build­ing Ener­gy Effi­cien­cy Cer­tifi­cate (BEEC), before the build­ing goes…

Extend­ing a con­ven­ing peri­od before it expires — rel­e­vant principles

In Brief The admin­is­tra­tor of a com­pa­ny under admin­is­tra­tion must con­vene a meet­ing of the com­pa­ny’s cred­i­tors with­in the con­ven­ing peri­od set out in sec­tion 439A(5) of the Cor­po­ra­tions Act 2001 (Cth) or as extend­ed by the Court under sec­tion 439A(6). The courts have shown a will­ing­ness to extend the con­ven­ing peri­od pro­vid­ed there…

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