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Sep­a­ra­tion, divorce, chil­dren & over­seas trav­el — Pre­vent­ing inter­na­tion­al parental child abduction

Did you know that Aus­tralia has one of the high­est per capi­ta rate of inter­na­tion­al parental child abduc­tion in the world with more than 250 cas­es every year? In a mul­ti­cul­tur­al coun­try such as Aus­tralia, with an increase in the move­ment of fam­i­lies leav­ing Aus­tralia for work, par­ents and chil­dren hav­ing dual…

If you employ a work­er for a par­tic­u­lar project, can you ter­mi­nate them at the end of that project?

IN BRIEF Today in the world of Aus­tralian prop­er­ty, con­tin­gent work­ers fit the bill. Con­tin­gent work­ers are the free­lancers, or inde­pen­dent pro­fes­sion­als and con­sul­tants, or tem­po­rary con­tract work­ers, who pro­vide their ser­vices to an organ­i­sa­tion on a non-per­ma­nent or con­tract basis. There’s recent­ly been a big increase of fit-outs in res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty across the…

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