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Do out­er lim­its” employ­ment con­tracts have a future?

Intro­duc­tion The offer­ing of a series of ​“fixed term” con­tracts to employ­ees (often by the use of ​“out­er lim­it” or ​“max­i­mum term” con­tracts), has been seen as an attrac­tive strat­e­gy for employ­ing per­sons and then hav­ing their employ­ment ter­mi­nate with­out attract­ing the unfair dis­missal pro­vi­sions of indus­tri­al rela­tions leg­is­la­tion. An ​“out­er…

Trade mark pro­tec­tion against par­al­lel importers 

When an over­seas man­u­fac­tur­er exports to Aus­tralia, it may choose to set up a dis­trib­u­tor in Aus­tralia under an exclu­sive dis­tri­b­u­tion agree­ment. Unfor­tu­nate­ly for the exclu­sive Aus­tralian dis­trib­u­tor, unau­tho­rised par­ties may source and sell in Aus­tralia gen­uine prod­ucts which may have been orig­i­nal­ly man­u­fac­tured and trade marked by the over­seas man­u­fac­tur­er…

Is a Trans­fer Grant­i­ng Ease­ment” enough to sat­is­fy a deferred com­mence­ment condition?

Is a ​“Trans­fer Grant­i­ng Ease­ment” enough to sat­is­fy a deferred com­mence­ment con­di­tion? Mau­ro Polet­ti v Inner West Coun­cil [2017] NSWLEC 1325 Why is Polet­ti important? This case con­firms that reg­is­tra­tion of an ease­ment is required to give cer­tain­ty and it is rea­son­able for the ease­ment to be required to be reg­is­tered pri­or to the…

Con­struc­tion relat­ed impacts should be con­sid­ered in staged devel­op­ment applications

Con­struc­tion relat­ed impacts should be con­sid­ered in staged devel­op­ment appli­ca­tions: Bay Sim­mer Invest­ments Pty Ltd v State of New South Wales [2017] NSW­CA 135 Why is Bay Sim­mer important? Bay Sim­mer clar­i­fies the inter­pre­ta­tion of sec­tion 83B of the Envi­ron­men­tal Plan­ning and Assess­ment Act 1979. To be a staged devel­op­ment appli­ca­tion, the appli­ca­tion must…

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