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Domes­tic vio­lence in finan­cial cas­es in the Fam­i­ly Court and Fed­er­al Cir­cuit Court of Australia

The Fam­i­ly Law Act 1975 estab­lished the ​‘no fault’ divorce prin­ci­ple. This means that, unlike in some oth­er juris­dic­tions, to estab­lish grounds for divorce, courts do not have to con­sid­er which part­ner is to blame for the break­down of a marriage.  Where domes­tic vio­lence can be a fac­tor estab­lish­ing ​‘fault’ as grounds…

Avoid­ing redun­dan­cy pay where the employ­er obtains oth­er accept­able employ­ment” for the employ­ee: four recent cases

As most employ­ers will be aware, the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act) con­tains pro­vi­sions requir­ing busi­ness­es to pay eli­gi­ble employ­ees a set amount of redun­dan­cy pay where the employ­ee los­es their employ­ment due to their role being made redundant. What is per­haps less well known is, the pro­vi­sion at sec­tion 12…

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