Latest publications
Divorce and Separation — What you need to know
How long do I have to be separated before I can divorce my spouse? A divorce is the Court’s recognition that a marriage no longer exists and a separation shows your intention to divorce. In Australia you are required to be separated for a period of 12 months before you can make an Application for Divorce…
NSW construction industry — an expert’s perspective (part 3 of 6)
Interview with Allan Harriman – BCA Logic Over the coming weeks, I will be releasing a six part article series. The articles will document my discussions with building consultants who are in the know when it comes to the current state of the NSW construction industry and the high percentage of properties…
Should Australia adopt a Director Identification Number (DIN) requirement?
Should Australia Adopt a Director Identification Number (DIN) Requirement? On 13 February 2019, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Registries Modernisation and Other Measures) Bill 2019 was introduced to the Australian Parliament (Amendment Bill). The Amendment Bill proposed a director identification number (DIN) requirement as part of a suite of Government initiatives which attempt to…
The proper scope of the anti-bullying jurisdiction
Strong Words from the FWC Bench In the recent decision of Tanka Jang Karki [2019] FWC 3147, which dealt with an application to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for a stop bullying order, Deputy President Sams took the opportunity to express disquiet about the way in which some applicants use the anti-bullying…
NSW construction industry — an expert’s perspective (part 2 of 6)
Interview with Paul Ratcliff – Paul Ratcliff Building and Waterproofing Pty Ltd Over the coming weeks, I will be releasing a six part article series. The articles will document my discussions with building consultants who are in the know when it comes to the current state of the NSW construction industry and the…
Construction — Independent verification, is it that simple?
The Australian Standards Design and Construct Contract AS 4902 – 2002, does not make any provision for an independent verification process throughout the build. With building defects on the rise, one has to consider that the appointment of an independent project verifier, to oversee the works and conduct inspections at…
NSW construction industry — an expert’s perspective (part 1 of 6)
Interview with Peter Karsai – Cladding specialist Over the coming weeks, I will be releasing a six part article series. The articles will document my discussions with building consultants who are in the know when it comes to the current state of the NSW construction industry and the high percentage of properties which…
Fair Work Commission rules out new approach to individual dispute
A New Approach Section 576(2)(aa) of the Fair Work Act (Act) confers upon the Fair Work Commission (FWC) the function to promote ‘cooperative and productive workplace relations and preventing disputes’. Pursuant to this provision, the FWC has implemented a jurisdiction called ‘New Approaches’, which has the aim of assisting employers, employees and…
Change the rules – which ones? What businesses need to know about Labor’s employment policy
The Federal Election is less than two weeks away and the Australian Labor Party (Labor), has announced a robust and ambitious reform agenda. Within this reform agenda are key changes to the Australian Fair Work régime, and the question arises as to how will these changes impact Australian businesses if Labor…
Gaining control — what you can do under the new strata renewal legislation
Although Part 10 of the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015 commenced on 30 November 2016 (Part 10), the intricacies of the technical workings of Part 10 have still not been fully tested or considered by the Courts. This is testament to the fact that Part 10 requires a lengthy, convoluted and highly…