Keep­ing you up-to-date with the lat­est legal devel­op­ments, leg­is­la­tion changes and case precedents.

Lat­est publications

Dis­agree with a val­u­a­tion by joint­ly instruct­ed sin­gle expert? What not to do!

The Fam­i­ly Law Act 1975 (Cth) sets out the gen­er­al prin­ci­ples the Court will con­sid­er when deter­min­ing finan­cial dis­putes after sep­a­ra­tion. The gen­er­al prin­ci­ples are the same regard­less of whether the par­ties were mar­ried or in a defac­to relationship.The first ques­tion the Court needs to deter­mine in an appli­ca­tion for prop­er­ty…

Fair Work Com­mis­sion crit­i­cis­es time-wast­ing unfair dis­missal applications

In a recent deci­sion, Diane Por­te­ous v G. Kakafikas and A.G. Bek part­ner­ship t/​a Yarra Glen Phar­ma­cy [2019] FWC 6264, Deputy Pres­i­dent Col­man of the Fair Work Com­mis­sion (Com­mis­sion) has crit­i­cised appli­cants who com­mence unfair dis­missal pro­ceed­ings and then don’t take the nec­es­sary steps to pros­e­cute their claim. The Case The Appli­cant worked…

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