
Impor­tant Work­place Rela­tions Changes Effec­tive 1 July 2024

Employ­ers and employ­ees alike should be aware of impor­tant changes in the work­place rela­tions are­na, effec­tive 1 July 2024. From that date:

  • the high income thresh­old for unfair dis­missal claims will increase to $175,000 per annum (from the present $167,500 per annum) and the com­pen­sa­tion lim­it will be $87,500 (equiv­a­lent to 6 months of the revised high income thresh­old amount) for dis­missals occur­ring on or after 1 July 2024
  • the fil­ing fee for unfair dis­missal, gen­er­al pro­tec­tions and bul­ly­ing and sex­u­al harass­ment at work appli­ca­tions will increase to $87.20
  • there will be a 3.75% increase to min­i­mum award wages
  • the min­i­mum wage will increase to $915.90 per week (or $24.10 per hour) and
  • the min­i­mum super­an­nu­a­tion guar­an­tee per­cent­age will increase to 11.5%.