
First 30 days | Hard­ings integration

To our val­ued clients and friends

As most of you will already know, as of the 1 July 2020 the staff of Hard­ings Lawyers joined Swaab in their new­ly refur­bished offices. 

With Covid-19 still hav­ing a major impact on office atten­dance with WFH arrange­ments and Part­ners and staff being on a ros­ter sys­tem to attend the office, we were wel­comed with open arms and gen­eros­i­ty of their time. 

While teach­ing old dogs (the old Hard­ings part­ners) new tricks has proven chal­leng­ing, Swaab has ensured that the start of this fab­u­lous merg­er has been a resound­ing suc­cess. The younger mem­bers of the old Hard­ings team have thrived with­in the open plan, advanced tech­nol­o­gy and new sur­round­ings, drag­ging their old­er col­leagues along into this excit­ing future. As each new team from Swaab swapped home for office on rotat­ing weeks, fresh faces have appeared to both wel­come and assist where need­ed. Clients alike have com­pli­ment­ed us on the move and the appeal of a com­bined Hardings/​Swaab legal prac­tices gives greater breadth of expe­ri­ence and exper­tise, while con­tin­u­ing to offer real val­ue for our clients. 

Each new day brings chal­lenges in this Covid-19 world we now find our­selves liv­ing in, but the com­bined team at Swaab have adapt­ed and embraced the challenge.