IP Australia’s Patent Office has introduced an online facility that now gives patent applicants and owners an easy and secure system for the electronic filing of patent applications and the ongoing management of those applications and any granted patents.
Applicants (or their patent attorneys) can now apply online for:
- a provisional application for a patent;
- a standard patent application; and
- an innovation patent application.
Electronic filing is cheaper than lodging a paper application. One important difference to note, however, is that it is necessary to make a declaration about entitlement at the time of filing. This means that it is necessary for an applicant to provide written confirmation prior to filing electronically that the applicant has entitlement from the inventor and, if the applicant is not the applicant of the priority application, that entitlement has been obtained from the applicant of the priority application. Without this information, it will be necessary to file a paper application, at the higher cost.
If you would like further information, please contact Swaab Attorneys.
Co-authored by M Hall.