
Address­ing Build­ing Defects in Stra­ta Schemes

Leg­isla­tive oblig­a­tions and func­tions for a stra­ta scheme can be over­whelm­ing in the first few years and it may take time to estab­lish a func­tion­ing stra­ta com­mit­tee. Obvi­ous­ly, the thought of defects in a stra­ta scheme are not what is on a lot own­er’s mind hav­ing just pur­chased a new unit. How­ev­er, with strict time lim­i­ta­tions on stra­ta schemes to bring a claim for build­ing defects, there is lit­tle time to sit back and relax. 

Helen Kow­al dis­cuss­es what a stra­ta scheme should do to ensure their rights under the Home Build­ing Act 1989 (HBA).

You can read the full arti­cle here