All publications relating to ‘Property’
When is a loan really an Option Fee? And when is an Option a Contract?
It certainly is not news to those of us who deal in the property development space that Revenue NSW now imposes transfer duty (or for those of us who have come from the old school – stamp duty) on the grant of an option to purchase. These laws also impose…
Alert | Construction industry update: When is remedial building work exempt development? 11 July 2023
The Department of Planning and Environment has published a ‘Remedial Building Work – State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008’ Fact Sheet (Fact Sheet) to provide guidance as to when remedial building work is considered exempt development under the Exempt and Complying Development (Codes SEPP): –…
Is your Complying Development Certificate valid?
In the recent decision of Wollondilly Shire Council v Kennedy [2023] NSWLEC 53 the Land and Environment Court has held that the failure by a certifier or consent authority to include the ‘purpose’ of development in a Complying Development Certificate could render that certificate invalid. Implications A complying development certificate can only be issued…
NSW Construction Update
Roberts v Goodwin Street Developments Pty Ltd [2023] NSWCA 5 In a recent decision handed down by the NSW Court of Appeal it has been confirmed that the duty of care provisions introduced under Part 4 of the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (NSW) (DBP Act) on 10 June 2020, in particular a claim…
Strata Remedial Update: Emergency Remedial Building Works
The NSW Department of Customer Service has released a Fact Sheet: Emergency Remedial Building Work: This Fact Sheet has been prepared as a guideline to assist owners corporations, strata managers and design and building practitioners in respect of remedial emergency building works in existing class 2 buildings. The ongoing construction reform in…
Shifting the dial on building defects liability – a greater risk for company directors and developers under recent legislative reform
Under the Home Building Act 1989, claimants in defective building cases against corporate builders and/or corporate developers may hit a roadblock in the case of ultimate insolvency of those parties even if the claims are successful and rectification or damages orders are made in respect of the defects. Has this now changed…
New Employment Zones to commence April 2023 | Planning & Environment
The New South Wales Government has amended Local Environmental Plans to replace Business and Industrial Zones with new ‘Employment Zones’. The changes have been a long time in the making. Originally developed under the former Minister for Planning back in May of 2021, the reforms follow the Productivity Commission’s 2021 White Paper…
Graduate Interview Series | Steven Wang
Why did you choose Swaab? I chose Swaab because they offered an opportunity for a specialised property graduate. I applied because I wanted to work in property law and I believed that this role would give me an opportunity to learn and develop my skills as a property lawyer and become specialised in property law in…
Remedial Works Are Different | NSW Construction Reform
The reality of the NSW Construction reform for the remedial industry Remedial is an integral part of the construction industry. Twelve months down the road, after the commencement of new design compliance requirements under the Design and Building Practitioners Act 2020 (DBPA) and the accompanying regulations (DBPR) on 1 July 2021, the remedial…
Swaab 2022 Lawyer Interview Series | Carly Lennan
Why did you become a lawyer? I was one of those annoying kids walking around telling people from a very young age that I would one day be a lawyer, then shouting things like “OBJECTION!” in conversation. As I got older, and became a senior at a rural, public school, I was discouraged from aiming for this due…