
At the time of a rela­tion­ship break­down there is often a real fear by one of the par­ties that they will not be able to sup­port them­selves and their depen­dents financially

This may be as a result of them being out of the work­force, hav­ing car­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties for chil­dren or oth­er per­sons, ill-health or not suf­fi­cient income to meet their needs. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it may also be that one of the par­ties has stopped pro­vid­ing finan­cial assis­tance and the assets of the rela­tion­ship are under their control. 

It is impor­tant if you find your­self in this sit­u­a­tion that you act quick­ly to resolve the situation.

The most com­mon ques­tions we get asked in these types of sit­u­a­tions are:

  • Do I have to pay my ex-part­ner main­te­nance and if so how much and for how long?
  • How much child sup­port do I have to pay for my children?
  • Can I agree with my ex-part­ner on child support?
  • What is a child sup­port agreement?
  • Do I need to keep receipts for child sup­port purposes?
  • Can I pay child sup­port direct­ly to my child?
  • Do I have to pay pri­vate school fees? Who does? 
  • What is cov­ered under a child sup­port assessment? 

As Fam­i­ly Law Spe­cial­ists and Doyles recog­nised Fam­i­ly Lawyers, we pride our­selves on our abil­i­ty to help you through the most com­plex of sit­u­a­tions be it main­te­nance, chil­dren or prop­er­ty related.

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