All arti­cles relat­ing to Marc Baddams’

Press Release | Swaab Earns Recer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Mer­i­tas, the Pre­mier Glob­al Net­work of Inde­pen­dent Law Firms

Syd­ney, NSW (11 July 2024) – Swaab, a Syd­ney-based law firm, today announced that it has been award­ed recer­ti­fi­ca­tion in Mer­i­tas, the pre­mier glob­al alliance of inde­pen­dent busi­ness law firms. Swaab joined Mer­i­tas in 2009 and, as a con­di­tion of its mem­ber­ship, is required to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete recer­ti­fi­ca­tion every three years based…

Mer­i­tas Announces Emerg­ing Lead­ers Advi­so­ry Board That Wel­comes New Lead­er­ship & Two New Members

David Reid of Brazeau Sell­er Law (Ottawa, Ontario, Cana­da) has begun his term as the new Chair of Mer­i­tas’ Emerg­ing Lead­ers Advi­so­ry Board (ELAB), replac­ing out­go­ing Chair Shel­don Stokes of John­ston, Alli­son & Hord, P.A. (Char­lotte, North Car­oli­na, USA). The ELAB also has a new Chair-Elect, Char­lotte Whit­worth of Howard Kennedy (Lon­don…

Mer­i­tas Announces New Board of Direc­tors Class Elect­ed at Annu­al Meet­ing in Chica­go, Illi­nois, USA

The new direc­tors are: Drew Dill­worth of Stearns Weaver Miller in Mia­mi, Flori­da, USAEsther Domínguez of Marimón Abo­ga­dos in Barcelona, SpainAman­da Esch of Davis & Canon in Cheyenne, Wyoming, USAMatthew Evans of Damon Key Leong Kupchak Hastert in Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii, USAAndrew Lam­bros of Ben­nett & Philp Lawyers in Bris­bane, AustraliaDavid Reid of Brazeau Sell­er Law in Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaPhilip…

Marc Bad­dams and Cather­ine Li’s arti­cle Direc­tors’ access to com­pa­ny books: Nav­i­gat­ing Statu­to­ry and com­mon law require­ments in Aus­tralia’ has been pub­lished by the Gov­er­nance Insti­tute of Australia

Marc Bad­dams and Cather­ine Li’s arti­cle ​‘Direc­tors’ access to com­pa­ny books: Nav­i­gat­ing Statu­to­ry and com­mon law require­ments in Aus­tralia’ has been pub­lished by the Gov­er­nance Insti­tute of Aus­tralia. Key ele­ments of the arti­cle include: To man­age a com­pa­ny and dis­charge their duties, direc­tors need access to com­pa­ny information.Direc­tors have statu­to­ry rights and com­mon…

2023 Mer­i­tas​‘Elite’ Law Firm Network

Cham­bers’ in-depth research teams assess lawyers and law firms across more than 200 juris­dic­tions around the world, pro­vid­ing inde­pen­dent and impar­tial intel­li­gence and mar­ket insight. Its research method­ol­o­gy is unri­valed in accu­ra­cy, depth, and qual­i­ty, deliv­er­ing indis­pens­able data insights based on rank­ings that tru­ly reflect abil­i­ty and talent. “This annu­al recog­ni­tion…

2023 Swaab’s Annu­al Insol­ven­cy, Financier & Com­mer­cial Drinks

Each year Swaab’s Insol­ven­cy, Financier and Com­mer­cial team hosts an indus­try wide net­work­ing func­tion. The event sees insol­ven­cy prac­ti­tion­ers, accoun­tants, com­mer­cial lenders, busi­ness advi­sors, asset val­uers and bar­ris­ters come togeth­er to enjoy an evening of net­work­ing with like-mind­ed peers, indus­try col­leagues and to make valu­able con­nec­tions. All while enjoy­ing Swaab’s…

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