All arti­cles relat­ing to Helen Kowal’

Helen Kow­al dis­cuss­es with Stra­ta Plus the impli­ca­tions of recent leg­isla­tive and reg­u­la­to­ry reforms in the con­struc­tion indus­try of NSW

These reforms, while wide­ly acknowl­edged as nec­es­sary for enhanc­ing the qual­i­ty of con­struc­tion work in both new and exist­ing struc­tures, have inad­ver­tent­ly trig­gered a host of com­plex­i­ties for stra­ta schemes involved in reme­di­al projects, build­ing repairs, and upgrades. To read the full arti­cle click here…

Helen Kow­al appeared on Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tion Net­work’s webi­nar on Reme­di­al work and the Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers ACT

Helen Kow­al appeared on Own­ers Cor­po­ra­tion Net­work’s webi­nar on Reme­di­al work and the Build­ing Prac­ti­tion­ers ACT.  The OCN host­ed this impor­tant webi­nar pre­sent­ed by Matt Press, Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Com­pli­ance and Dis­pute Res­o­lu­tion NSW Depart­ment of Cus­tomer Ser­vice, Helen Kow­al, Part­ner Swaab, and Deb­o­rah Lock­hart, Man­ag­er Risk, and Com­pli­ance RHM Con­sult­ing. The…

Helen Kow­al appeared on Fri­day LIVE’ with Aman­da Farmer, Founder of Women in Stra­ta from the 2023 Annu­al Con­fer­ence of the Aus­tralian Col­lege of Stra­ta Lawyers in Singapore

Helen Kow­al appeared on ​‘Fri­day LIVE’ with Aman­da Farmer, Founder of Women in Stra­ta & Your Stra­ta Prop­er­ty, from the 2023 Annu­al Con­fer­ence of the Aus­tralian Col­lege of Stra­ta Lawyers in Singapore.  Helen explained the new fact sheet released by NSW Fair Trad­ing this week, clar­i­fy­ing the way in which an own­ers…

Rein­tro­duc­tion of Nation­al Cab­i­net’s Manda­to­ry Code of Con­duct for Com­mer­cial Leas­ing in NSW 14 Aug 21

NSW Gov­ern­ment will rein­tro­duce the Nation­al Cab­i­net’s Manda­to­ry Code of Con­duct for Com­mer­cial Leasing  On 13 August 2021, the NSW Gov­ern­ment announced it will rein­tro­duce the Nation­al Cab­i­net’s Manda­to­ry Code of Con­duct for Com­mer­cial Leas­ing until 13 Jan­u­ary 2022 man­dat­ing rent relief for eli­gi­ble ten­ants impact­ed by Covid-19. The Retail and Oth­er…

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