
We Are Hiring

Are you look­ing for a change? If so, we are cur­rent­ly seek­ing two Lawyers that enjoy a chal­lenge and work­ing with­in dynam­ic client focused teams 

We have a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty for a Plan­ning & Envi­ron­ment Lawyer 2 — 5 years’ PQE as a solic­i­tor, to work under the guid­ance of a Doyle’s rec­om­mend­ed Part­ner and a Doyle’s Ris­ing Star Senior Asso­ciate in our well-respect­ed Plan­ning team. 

We are also look­ing for a bright, moti­vat­ed, client focused, expe­ri­enced Lawyer with min­i­mum 2 — 3 years PQE to work direct­ly with one of our Com­mer­cial Partners.

Work­place cul­ture is impor­tant to us, because when our peo­ple are hap­py we know they will look after our clients and them­selves. Swaab is a place where peo­ple feel they can inno­vate, col­lab­o­rate and devel­op their careers and are reward­ed for their efforts. Our peo­ple are the key to our suc­cess and we believe in recog­nis­ing the val­ue that they bring to the firm.

How to Apply

If this sounds like the oppor­tu­ni­ty that you have been wait­ing for please apply now, direct­ing your appli­ca­tion to Angela Sharpe, Head of Peo­ple and Cul­ture (ags@​swaab.​com.​au) All appli­ca­tion will be treat­ed in strict confidence.

For more infor­ma­tion on both roles click here

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