
War­wick Ryan fea­tured in Star­tupS­mart on Uber’s inde­pen­dent con­trac­tor’ arrangements 

The Unit­ed Nations enti­ty for gen­der equal­i­ty has with­drawn from a part­ner­ship with online taxi-book­ing ser­vice Uber.

The Unit­ed Nations enti­ty for gen­der equal­i­ty has with­drawn from a part­ner­ship with online taxi-book­ing ser­vice Uber.

The move comes after the plan was slammed by the Inter­na­tion­al Trans­port Work­ers’ Fed­er­a­tion for rein­forc­ing struc­tur­al inequal­i­ty” in the wake of reports of pas­sen­ger assaults by Uber dri­vers.

By clas­si­fy­ing dri­vers as inde­pen­dent con­trac­tors’, Uber denies them basic pro­tec­tions, from min­i­mum wage pay to health care and oth­er ben­e­fits on the job,” the state­ment read.


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