
War­wick Ryan fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on recent case in which an employ­ee was sacked for query­ing his pay

A fam­i­ly busi­ness in Mel­bourne has been hit with a $7500 fine after the Fed­er­al Court found it had sacked an employ­ee in part because he queried his rate of pay.

A fam­i­ly busi­ness in Mel­bourne has been hit with a $7500 fine after the Fed­er­al Court found it had sacked an employ­ee in part because he queried his rate of pay.

Car­dinia Waste & Recy­clers, which spe­cialis­es in waste removal ser­vices, was found to have ter­mi­nat­ed a casu­al truck driver’s employ­ment on the same day he insist­ed he should be paid more gen­er­ous penal­ty rates in line with the rel­e­vant indus­try award.


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