Swaab employ­ment part­ner War­wick Ryan has been fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on a recent­ly reject­ed unfair dis­missal claim which was made by a Qan­tas flight atten­dant with a his­to­ry of being drunk at work.

Swaab employ­ment part­ner War­wick Ryan has been fea­tured in Smart­Com­pa­ny on a recent­ly reject­ed unfair dis­missal claim which was made by a Qan­tas flight atten­dant with a his­to­ry of being drunk at work.

Mar­got Crow­ley, who had worked for the air­line for just over 28 years, was sacked in Jan­u­ary after an inci­dent in which she failed to report for duty for a flight from New York to Los Ange­les. When she arrived at the air­port after miss­ing her flight, she returned a blood alco­hol read­ing of 0.117%.


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