Employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been cit­ed in a recent Smart­com­pa­ny arti­cle regard­ing the rein­state­ment of an unfair­ly dis­missed fork­lift dri­ver at Par­la­mat Food Products.

Employ­ment law spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been cit­ed in a recent Smart­com­pa­ny arti­cle regard­ing the rein­state­ment of an unfair­ly dis­missed fork­lift dri­ver at Par­la­mat Food Products. 
In March of this year, 63-year-old Christo­pher Tran was fired for fail­ing to abide by com­pa­ny pro­to­col in the event of a milk spillage. Despite the inci­dent being Tran’s sec­ond breach of pol­i­cy since Feb­ru­ary, the Fair Work Com­mis­sion argued that the work­er’s actions were indeed ratio­nal’, albeit improper. 
Accord­ing to War­wick Ryan, how­ev­er, some­times it is worth cry­ing over spilt milk – the Com­mis­sion’s deci­sion was influ­enced by their pathos with the defen­dant, and has set a prece­dent for per­sis­tent­ly care­less employ­ees in the workplace. 

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