Employ­ment spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been cit­ed in a recent Smart­com­pa­ny arti­cle regard­ing the trend of Aus­tralian jobs being offered over­seas for below legal wages.

Employ­ment spe­cial­ist War­wick Ryan has been cit­ed in a recent Smart­com­pa­ny arti­cle regard­ing the trend of Aus­tralian jobs being offered over­seas for below legal wages.

A Fair­fax and Monash inves­ti­ga­tion found that out of 1000 ads in the Asian region, over 80% offered pay­ment below the min­i­mum require­ment. These find­ings fol­low recent trends about wide­spread wage fraud, vis­i­ble in the 7‑Eleven Aus­tralian chain scan­dal and the sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of appeals to the Fair Work Ombuds­man regard­ing underpayment.

War­wick Ryan com­ment­ed that despite the increas­ing suc­cess by which the Fair Work Ombuds­man ensures com­pli­ance, its lim­it­ed scope means employ­ees sub­ject to ille­gal wages may be left out in the cold. He fur­ther crit­i­cised the com­plex­i­ty of the Aus­tralian awards sys­tem, claim­ing that under­pay­ments (espe­cial­ly in low-thresh­old indus­tries) are more often than not the result of employ­ers mis­un­der­stand­ing their oblig­a­tions.

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