
UPDATE #2 COVID-19 | Swaab Busi­ness Con­ti­nu­ity | 25 March 2020

Over the past few weeks, with the esca­la­tion of the COVID-19 out­break, we at Swaab have tak­en pre­cau­tions to ensure the safe­ty, health and well­be­ing of our peo­ple, clients and visitors.

As the cri­sis con­tin­ues to unfold in Aus­tralia, we have made the deci­sion that from Thurs­day 26 March 2020 our entire work­force (includ­ing part­ners) will work remotely. 

We are very for­tu­nate, that as far as we are aware none of our peo­ple have con­tract­ed Covid-19.

We are com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing an excel­lent lev­el of ser­vice to you dur­ing this phase. Our busi­ness con­ti­nu­ity pro­gram has planned for this lev­el of remote work­ing. Our lawyers and part­ners are avail­able to talk to our clients at any time.

We under­stand that many of you are strug­gling at the moment and are mind­ful of the legal chal­lenges you are fac­ing. If you have any legal ques­tions or issues that you require assis­tance with please com­plete the form below and we respond to your enquiry as a mat­ter of urgency.

COVID-19 Enquiry Form

Kind regards

Mary Digiglio

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