Swaab part­ners, Julie Briscoe (& Tour de Cure — Board Mem­ber), Michael Hayter, Nick Dale and Ger­ald Carides, togeth­er with clients and spous­es were proud to host two tables at this year’s Tour de Cure Snow Ball 2022 Black Tie Event

The mid year Ball raised over $1.8m in dona­tions and is the char­i­ties mid year gala black tie fund rais­ing event. The event brings togeth­er more than 1,100 guests, celebri­ty and sup­port­ers, enabling Sydney’s phil­an­thropic com­mu­ni­ty and lead­ing cor­po­rate organ­i­sa­tions to come togeth­er for the com­mon goal of rais­ing funds to help fight can­cer. In the last 12 years, Tour de Cure has raised more than $75m in funds for 563 can­cer research, sup­port and pre­ven­tion pro­grams lead­ing to 55 can­cer break­throughs! All these break­throughs will ulti­mate­ly lead to find­ing a cure for cancer.

To find out more click here

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