
Swaab wel­comes new solic­i­tor to Lit­i­ga­tion Team

Swaab is delight­ed to wel­come new solic­i­tor, Cate­ri­na Meduri to their high­ly regard­ed lit­i­ga­tion team.

Swaab is delight­ed to wel­come new solic­i­tor Cate­ri­na Meduri to their high­ly regard­ed lit­i­ga­tion team.

Cate­ri­na com­plet­ed a com­bined law and busi­ness degree at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy Syd­ney in 2011, and has prac­tised as a solic­i­tor since then in both lit­i­ga­tion and trans­ac­tion­al work. She has expe­ri­ence in con­trac­tu­al dis­putes, includ­ing claims for breach of con­tract, and mat­ters involv­ing the ACL

Cate­ri­na has a par­tic­u­lar inter­est in cor­po­rate law, and com­pe­ti­tion and con­sumer law. Her expe­ri­ence has fos­tered her pas­sion for lit­i­ga­tion and advo­ca­cy. Cateri­na’s ambi­tion is to become a spe­cial­ist in com­mer­cial litigation

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