Swaab is delight­ed to wel­come Nicholas Mark as a grad­u­ate solic­i­tor in our cor­po­rate team.

Swaab is delight­ed to wel­come Nicholas Mark as a grad­u­ate solic­i­tor in our cor­po­rate team. Nicholas will be under­tak­ing Swaab’s grad­u­ate pro­gram, includ­ing three six month rotations. 

Nicholas was admit­ted to prac­tice as a solic­i­tor in the Supreme Court of NSW in Octo­ber 2013. He has since worked in small and top tier law firms, on a range of cor­po­rate, advi­so­ry and inter­na­tion­al lit­i­ga­tion mat­ters. Pri­or to com­menc­ing work at Swaab, Nicholas worked in Com­pli­ance at a large Aus­tralian bank, gain­ing insight into inter­na­tion­al reforms in cap­i­tal mar­kets. Nicholas holds a dou­ble degree in Arts and Law from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Syd­ney, and is flu­ent in Bahasa Indonesia.

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