
Swaab Wel­comes New Fam­i­ly Law Solicitor

Natal­ie De Cam­po has joined Swaab Attor­neys as a Solic­i­tor, in our high­ly regard­ed fam­i­ly law team.

We are delight­ed to announce the appoint­ment of solic­i­tor Natal­ie De Cam­po to our high­ly regard­ed fam­i­ly law team.

Pri­or to her arrival at Swaab, Natal­ie’s roles includ­ed Legal Asso­ciate to Jus­tice Ian Lough­nan and Jus­tice William John­ston at the Fam­i­ly Court of Australia.

Natal­ie holds a Bach­e­lor of Arts and Bach­e­lor of Laws (Hon­ours) from the Queens­land Uni­ver­si­ty of Technology.

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