
Swaab wel­comes new fam­i­ly law associate

We are pleased to announce the appoint­ment of Car­la San­to as an asso­ciate to our esteemed fam­i­ly law team.

We are pleased to announce the appoint­ment of Car­la San­to as an asso­ciate to our esteemed fam­i­ly law team.

Car­la is expe­ri­enced in all areas of fam­i­ly law includ­ing prop­er­ty mat­ters, par­ent­ing mat­ters, bind­ing finan­cial agree­ments, child sup­port agree­ments and spousal main­te­nance. She is a pro­fi­cient nego­tia­tor in finan­cial mat­ters and her qual­i­fi­ca­tions in busi­ness place her in a posi­tion to under­stand and pro­vide valu­able advice in all, includ­ing com­plex, prop­er­ty mat­ters. Car­la is also a pro­fi­cient advo­cate fre­quent­ly con­duct­ing inter­im mat­ters in the Fam­i­ly and Fed­er­al Mag­is­trates Court.

Car­la is a mem­ber of the Young Lawyers Fam­i­ly Law Com­mit­tee, the Fam­i­ly Law Sec­tion of the Law Coun­cil of Aus­tralia and the Gold­en Key Hon­our Society.

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