
Swaab senior asso­ciate Susan Walsh fea­tured in Smart­com­pa­ny on Apple’s trademark

Swaab senior asso­ciate, Susan Walsh, has fea­tured in a Smart­Com­pa­ny arti­cle cov­er­ing Apple’s right to trade­mark its flag­ship store design in Europe.

Swaab senior asso­ciate, Susan Walsh, has fea­tured in a Smart­Com­pa­ny arti­cle cov­er­ing Apple’s right to trade­mark its flag­ship store design in Europe. In the arti­cle, Susan high­lights the dif­fer­ences in Aus­trali­a’s trade­mark régime and what hur­dles com­pa­nies have to over­come if they wish to trade­mark a store lay­out in Australia.

> Read the article

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