
Swaab in The Aus­tralian on inter­na­tion­al mergers

Swaab was fea­tured in The Aus­tralian in an arti­cle look­ing at inbound over­seas firms and inter­na­tion­al mergers.

Swaab was fea­tured in The Aus­tralian in an arti­cle look­ing at inbound over­seas firms and inter­na­tion­al merg­ers.

In this arti­cle, Fred Swaab pro­vides his out­look on the Aus­tralian legal pro­fes­sion as an increas­ing num­ber of firms move towards glob­al inte­gra­tion. Fred high­lights Swaab’s advan­ta­geous strat­e­gy to grow our legal net­work by join­ing the inter­na­tion­al legal alliance Meritas.

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