
Swaab in Law Firm Cham­pi­ons Cup

As fea­tured in Lawyers Week­ly, Swaab will be par­tak­ing in the Law Firm Cham­pi­ons Cup next month.

As fea­tured in Lawyers Week­ly, Swaab will be par­tak­ing in the Law Firm Cham­pi­ons Cup next month with twelve oth­er teams com­pris­ing of small bou­tique to glob­al law firms. Cap­tained by Alis­tair Jaque, Team Swaab is look­ing for­ward to game day and putting cer­tain play­ers’ (claimed) skills to the test.

The cup kicks off at 9am on Sun­day 11 Novem­ber at Cen­ten­ni­al Park, Sydney.

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