
Swaab fea­tured in ALB on Form­Bay’s new app

Swaab was fea­tured in ALB on our involve­ment with client Form­Bay’s new doc­u­ment approval application.

Swaab was fea­tured in ALB on our involve­ment with client Form­Bay’s new appli­ca­tion which aims to speed up doc­u­ment approval time.

Swaab has facil­i­tat­ed the devel­op­ment and tri­al of the new appli­ca­tion which will allow lawyers to sign doc­u­ments elec­tron­i­cal­ly. Swaab senior asso­ciate Nao­mi Mes­sen­ger com­ment­ed on our clients desire to accel­er­ate and stream­line the autho­ri­sa­tion process, for which Form­Bay pro­vides an effi­cient solution.

Form­Bay direc­tor Dan Sul­li­van plans to release the prod­uct via iTunes into the Aus­tralian and U.S. legal markets.

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